Did you know, you can complete your smile with dental implants? Yes, it’s true! If you are missing teeth, then our dentist, Dr. Jurgina Elezi with Coddington Dental in Quincy, Massachusetts, is here to share with you more information on dental implants. There are numerous ways a person can lose a tooth in their smile. The most considerable reason among... read more »
You may notice when you enjoy something sweet, hot or cold, your teeth react with pain or another sensation. This may also occur when your teeth are exposed to cold air. While these things may mean that you have a crack in one of your teeth, often these conditions are symptoms of sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth can be caused by... read more »
If a toothache comes, you know you are in for a really long day or night. That is why knowing how to treat your toothache could take the pain away and help you get back to your life. Here at Coddington Dental in Quincy, Massachusetts, our team is dedicated to helping you overcome oral health problems like toothaches, which is... read more »